martedì 29 settembre 2009

Lettera al Presidente degli USA Obama

Mr. President of the U.S.A.
Barack Obama,
We welcomed with great joy and satisfaction your election to the most prestigious governmental office of the United States of America. We are a small organization which has among its aims the promotion of peace and the solidarity between all people and nations. We operate in a relatively small context, in our city of Ruvo di Puglia, in the province of Bari, in southern Italy; numbering just 25,000 inhabitants. For this reason, we are not very influential and can do very little to assure that they affirm in the world the culture of peace and the promotion of tolerance and respect for each other. Nevertheless, we are convinced that doing a little is better than doing nothing, also that a small stone thrown into the sea of humanity could be beneficial, causing a small "tidal wave" of benefit. If not that, a least it would contribute to the strengthening in us of those same principles that we are looking to share with others; therefore with perseverance and humility, we are sure regardless that at least someone will grasp this message of peace and life. For us, Mr. President, the notion of race does not exist, but mankind must be accepted and loved for its differences; thanks to those, it is possible to make progress. It would have been very strange if the American electorate had considered the color of your skin, casting votes based on that aspect, in lieu of judging the value of your ideas. There is after all a broad-spectrum of humanity in minority populations, who are very talented and successful, diversely occupying positions as professionals in fields such as: medicine, law, science, literature, athletics, politics and entertainment, as well as many other areas. What is invariable or repetitious kills the hope for a better future; it kills the idea itself of progress. We deeply hope that your presidency will impart a radical change in international politics, meant to develop the bonds of peace and progress instead of encouraging conflict. The world has already known many wars and much devastation. It is time now to write the word "finished" on the endless list of names, the victims of those many wars and conflicts. In your immense nation, there are millions of men and women who lack employment and access to basic healthcare. In the world, there are many impoverished nations. As you suggested Mr. President, it is time to feed the culture of peace not war; and that is the true and historical change which needs to be made. You are not the Messiah Mr. President, but please do what is in your power to open new economic and social perspectives throughout the world. In a new world so interconnected, the meaningful words and actions of the President of the United States of America can have an incredible impact, isolating warmongers and those whom prosper from other peoples misfortunes. Mr. President, you have spoken about a more equal distribution of wealth. Good, please pursue that objective! Do not worry, that aim is not a socialist concept, but a Christian and human value. On the other hand, looking beyond the labels given to mankind, saving people from an abyss is not socialistic, nor democratic, nor is it conservative, it is human and divine. President Obama, we wish you the very best and success in your many endeavors. Please extend these wishes to Vice President Biden, to all of your administration, as well as to your family.

Ruvo di Puglia, Novembre 8th, 2008

Dr. Salvatore Bernocco, President
Sehaliah Cultural Association
c/o La Maison de Colette
Via Cattedrale, n. 34
70037 - Ruvo di Puglia – Bari - Italy

1 commento:

  1. This letter is very succinct in its meaning, a warm and genial way to introduce your organization to the newly elected leader of America. Good job!
